Ask, Seek, Knock…


Internally, you won’t get answers unless you ask.  You won’t find anything if you don’t look.  TV won’t assist you with this.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

Only in your search both internal and external will your path be walked.  Your HigherSelf will be with you always, but so too will it be silent.  You have to ask the questions to get answers.  You need to seek the answers to be shown the way.  You have to take the steps and ask the questions or the doors to enlightenment and spiritual advancement will remain closed.

Please don’t forget to meditate 🙂

Posted on January 17, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. Aw shucks….It’s not on PBS???? Good one SW…Thanks for sharing…VK 🙂

  2. I couldn’t agree with you more.. 🙂 those who have knocked are seeking… and now they asking others to knock… And together we all share..

    Keep up your enlightening posts SW… and together we are opening up more doors as other Ask questions.. Brilliant..
    Blessings Sue x

  3. Those are wise words we all need to follow, I have been slacked in my daily meditations lately, thank you SW for the much needed booster, I am more aware now and welcome the suggested need.

  4. Thanks for posting this. It really resonated with me, so much so that I posted it on my site and shared it with a Facebook group I’m it. Love it!

    • silentwindofchange

      Thanks I’m glad you appreciated it. I too had similar schooling and these words always echo in me as well. 🙂

      People don’t really know how to understand them. WE are driven to assist them 🙂

      Thank you for your efforts as well.

  5. This is a very encouraging post, Dennis. Many thanks for sharing.

    As I prepare for my third show this coming Thursday, my leading question (yes, I am asking and seeking) is:

    How does Grace come in?

    A friend sent me the words from Leonard Cohen’s song, Anthem, which address the same thing, It being either Light or Grace.

    Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That’s how the light gets in.

    Leonard Cohen – Anthem

    • silentwindofchange

      In answer to your question “How does Grace come in?”

      You have to invite it.

      • Thanks, Dennis,

        At this point in my reflection, I am not sure that Grace “comes in.”

        It may be possible that It expresses Itself from within, providing It finds the proper conduit and the necessary conditions….my hypothesis of the moment….

        To be tested, at some point!

  6. Reblogged this on Angel 4 Light and commented:
    Give up the Idiot Box. It is a brainwashing device. Research everything. Knowledge is powerful. Be blessed

    • silentwindofchange

      Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Yes… Truer words were never spoken indeed my friend, but the (my) flesh is weak for sure, as I am still waiting for my favorite show coming soon, which is called (The game of thrones, Winterfelt) to which I am totally drawn, I can relate to this show like its magic the way it draws me overboard, I am there), but I do try to only watch the good stuff, (still waiting for the News channels to come clean little by little as I am told. Thank you Angel 4 Light… Namaste.

      • I stay away from ALL TV as it is called Programing for a reason. They keep the people busy with nonsense and pure lies, in the meantime they are taking our children and doing things that seem beyond belief. When humanity stops living someone else dream and start believing in themselves. How many hours are wasted watching a worthless TV show that was designed to make you think the way they want or feed you negativity like the news. These Cosmic Vampires suck up your energy. Don’t you feel drained after watching TV? Think about it. I haven’t watched since 2007 and don’t miss a thing. I read, research, and do crafts or creatived things that inspire me. The time sitting like a bump on a log in front of your TV gains you absolutely nothing. It is your life after all but you will find more pleasure playing a game of cards with friends, reading a book, volunteering at an old folks home… go read them a story. Join a Public TV and put on your own talk show. Have fun in life. Be blessed

      • Ouch !! Wow, what a spanking. I really get your message load and clear, what you say is all true and well taken, I too see through their game of plans for the ones of the unsuspecting few who think their Bible is in their TV set, the dawn is breaking and people are finally seeing the light for what it really is… Truth !! That’s why we do what we do to help clear this marbled mess, which was so created for us to follow the wrong path to confuse us all.

      • Fantastic. You are so awake. Keep shining your Love and Truth for all to see. I understand that the road ahead is much shorter than the one we have been walking. I am personally so over this messed up construct it becomes a daily chore at times to keep my vibrations up. I send you tons of love and gratitude for being here at this time of change for us all. We are almost home. Kick up your heels and get ready to dance. EEK! (Extremely Excited Kids). Be blessed.

      • Get on your mark… Get ready…

    • Knowledge is richness in all with power wrapped around it… Namaste.

  7. Ooh – what a fun, heart-centered, and inspiring community you have here! (Hello Sue Dreamwalker!). Whether we’re referring to breaking the tv habit, or just making time/space to go “in” – regardless of our tv usage – the journey “in” is invaluable. Thank you for the reminder.

  8. I have been away for a while my friends, I have been gaining energy, knowledge, and wisdom for the upcoming kaleidoscope of events we are all to share in very soon, which is now just a breath away, and could begin at any time soon in the now. Thank you for still being there my good friends, you are greatly loved and missed………… Namaste

    • silentwindofchange

      Glad that you’re back, but I seem to be in a lull now. I only post when I’m nudged to, that hasn’t happened for a while and I’m fine with that. 🙂 Maybe I’ve served my purpose. I’m grateful for that part.

      • This lull you speak of, is a time for rest. Your useful examples will greatly be of special need for the rest of what is to come and commence soon. Do not think of your time as done, for it is just the beginning of what will be the great change of all humanity. What is no longer of need shall be left behind. Thank you for your vigilance.

      • silentwindofchange

        Thank you Alan, I do feel the truth in your words. Buckle up and EnJoy the Ride 🙂

      • Exactly SW, the beginning is now in sight………… Namaste

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