Please, Try Out Your Wings


It was not your plan before you came here to listen to channeled messages, learn what you needed to learn, remember what you need to remember, and just to continue to do so.

The plan was to wake you up again.  Kick off your inner knowing again.  Light your inner fire again.  How does the nest feel?  Are you comfortable?

Please, it is time you fall out of the nest, flap your feathers and soar off to share and spread your light in only the way you are able.  You are all different shades of the rainbow.  Each color is required to assist the world.

You have all done a lovely job, reading messages and heartfelt posts.  You’ve posted them for others to see.  You aren’t some new reporter reporting on the art show or the music festival.  You are the Artists and the Musicians.  You aren’t here to be a message hub for others.  You are a message hub for Source.  You are a direct channel of the Divine.  You aren’t here to watch and report on the fireworks, you ARE the fireworks!  You are all so much more than you give yourselves credit.  You wouldn’t be here NOW if you weren’t.

So put away your CTRL-C and CTRL-V and share what you have in YOUR heart and Your connection to source.

Do you know what made Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Johann Sebastian Bach, Joan of Arc and all others great?  One thing.  Their connection to source.  You all have it as well.  No one but you can nurture and develop it for you.  That is your task alone.

Please, try out your wings.

Posted on October 13, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Hat dies auf Sirian Heaven rebloggt und kommentierte:
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  2. Thanks! I needed to hear that 🙂

  3. Very much in line, in coordination, with the… collective message I’ve been seeing emphasized recently 🙂 within the last week or so. Next I feel the awakening musicians will begin working together, until we have one GIANT SYMPHONY! ♥ ♥ The little guy on the hill in that image 🙂

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